Fertility Focus Telesummit 2015
Whether you are just interested in fertility issues or are trying to conceive, I highly recommend that you sign up for this year’s Fertility Focus Telesummit, a free online event running from March 8-14th.
The telesummit, organised by fertility therapist Sarah Holland, has been developing over the past few years into an excellent event, with talks and insights from a range of fertility experts, a number of whom I know and greatly admire – such as fertility nutrition guru Dr. Marilyn Glenville, Fertile Body Method founder Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer and Fertility EFT coach Sarah Holland herself.
This year’s summit will focus on The Power of Your Fertile Mindset, exploring the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of fertility – which, in my opinion, are fundamental in any fertility journey and central to own Yoga sessions to support fertility.
To find out more, go to www.fertilityfocustelesummit.com.
Remember too that you can boost your chances of conceiving by joining my Women’s Circle: Yoga & Qigong for Female Health class, where we work with gentle movements, breath practices, visualisations and deep relaxation to bring harmony across the energetic, emotional and physical levels.
If you would like to join the group, Sign Up Here.