3 Secrets for a Living a Calm Life

Picture a calm and smiling you, floating through your day, not a care in the world … There’s your ever-thoughtful partner. Here come your perfect kids – checking to see if you need a hand. And there are your work colleagues, those smooth operators who deftly lift weight from your shoulders. Down you sit to…

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How I Got my Yoga Classes Live Online with Zoom

Yoga classes live online

With the outbreak of Covid-19, Yoga teachers are learning fast how to get our classes live online. Amid the anxiety and the very real threat of this disease, there has never felt like a more important time to connect with our Yoga communities and to share our calm- and health-promoting practices. And, with many people having…

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Happy Chinese New Year of the Rat 2020!

Chinese Year of the Rat

Tonight it is New Moon and tomorrow is Chinese or Lunar New Year (as that is when the New Moon falls in China’s time zone). So both a monthly cycle and an annual cycle are ending. Not only that, a rotation of the 12-year Chinese Zodiac is also finishing, as 2019’s Pig is the last…

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The Fear-factor & the Life-Enhancing Benefits of Yoga Retreats

Benefits of Yoga Retreats

Going on a Yoga retreat can be an extraordinarily beneficial – even life-changing – experience, but signing up and then turning up can be scary. Here are my thoughts on the benefits of Yoga retreats and how to choose well so you can minimise pre-retreat nerves and make the most of your precious me-time. Pre-retreat…

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Why self-care belongs at the top of your to-do list

Self-Care - Women's Yoga Retreat Norfolk

Amid the never-ending demands of our busy lives, it’s so very easy to end up always putting our own self-care at the bottom of our to-do list. We feel like we just don’t have the time and hope we’ll somehow get away with it. And when our energy plunges, our stress levels surge and our inner world rebels…

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I’m a Proud 1966 Fire Horse Woman

Fire Horse 1966

My Chinese zodiac sign is a Horse. More specifically, I’m a Fire Horse, being born in 1966 (the 5 Elements cycle through the 12 zodiac signs, so each pairing comes up once every 60 years). The Fire Horse is not a popular symbol to be born under in Asia. That is something of an understatement.…

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Forget New Year Resolutions – Create a Positive Vision

New Year resolution

  If you are busy lining up all the things you are determined to give up this New Year, stop now! New Year resolutions frequently focus in a self-esteem shrinking way on wanting to be less xxx (replace xxx with the relevant self-flagellating word(s) eg lazy, stressed, unfit, anxious, fat, worthless, disorganised, in pain etc). By…

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Haramaki: Keep your middle warm to stay well

Cherishing Womb Wrap

Haramaki: Keep Your Middle Warm to Stay Well As the weather gets colder, I’m taking more and more care to keep warm in my core. I know that staying warm here is the secret not only to feeling toasty all over, but also to feeling comfortable, supported, energised, creative and strong. One of my favourite…

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Autumn: the precious season of reflection

Autumn season of reflection

As the days grow shorter, Autumn can be a difficult time of year for many, with sadness, apathy and coughs and colds creeping in; for others, it is simply overlooked as we slide from Summer to Winter. This is, in fact, the most precious time of year for laying the foundations for our future well-being.…

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The Fire Element, the Heart and Women’s Health

Fire Element, Heart and Women's Health

Do you ever have days when you wake up feeling especially bright, happy, energised, out-going and confident? More ready than usual to take on the world and get things done? If you do, then you are experiencing the ‘Fire’ days of your own energetic – and, perhaps, menstrual – cycle. In the Chinese Five Elements,…

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