Autumn: the precious season of reflection

Autumn season of reflection

As the days grow shorter, Autumn can be a difficult time of year for many, with sadness, apathy and coughs and colds creeping in; for others, it is simply overlooked as we slide from Summer to Winter. This is, in fact, the most precious time of year for laying the foundations for our future well-being.…

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The Fire Element, the Heart and Women’s Health

Fire Element, Heart and Women's Health

Do you ever have days when you wake up feeling especially bright, happy, energised, out-going and confident? More ready than usual to take on the world and get things done? If you do, then you are experiencing the ‘Fire’ days of your own energetic – and, perhaps, menstrual – cycle. In the Chinese Five Elements,…

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Spring Clean – 10 Tips to Unblock Your Creative Energy

Detox your Liver in Spring

Spring Clean – 10 Tips to Unblock Your Creative Energy Whether you suffer from distressing seasonal symptoms or would just like more of Spring’s creative upsurge within you, there is plenty you can do to align your internal world with nature’s vibrant energy of renewal. Many people suffer from ‘Spring’ symptoms, including hayfever, other allergies…

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Eat yourself well this Autumn

Chinese Metal Element

Autumn gives us a great opportunity to adapt our diet to help to clear stagnant energy from our body, to heal our Lungs and Large Intestines, and to nourish ourselves and strengthen our immune systems ready for the Winter. To help you choose the best foods to heal yourself this Autumn, I’ll start with a brief…

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The Five Elements and our Inner World

Five Elements and Our Inner World

This is Part 2 of my ongoing Five Element series. Read Part 1. How am I today? I’m feeling a bit energetically wobbly. My eyes are mildly stinging, my insides feel contracted, I’ve got a lump in my throat, I’m a bit stuck in getting started on writing this, I’m sensitively tearful and I noticed…

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China’s Five Elements: a Map for Good Health

Five Elements Cycle

The 5 Elements: a Map for Good Health How do you make any sense of the constantly changing states that move through you? The fact that some days you wake full of energy and some days you feel drained; that some days you perhaps feel inexplicably tense, sad, distracted or hopeless, but on other days…

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Why is it So Hard to Step into Spring?

Spring blossom

Why is it So Hard to Step into Spring? Spring is the season of bursting forth from cold, dark months of Winter stillness, the season of upsurging energy, of vibrant activity, of new beginnings, of growth, of hope, of optimism, of exuberance, of creativity and clear vision. Right? So why is it that, with the…

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It takes Great Heart to Step into Summer

Great Heart for Fire Element

On the eve of Summer, it is pouring with rain in Cambridge – again. The English weather has been so hesitant in recent weeks, repeatedly stepping forward into fleeting moments of glorious sun before losing heart and retreating back into dampness. For it is truly an arduous transition from Spring into Summer, one which in…

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We move in cycles – our bodies try to remind us …

Nature's cycles

I recently taught a workshop to a group of beautiful women, exploring the Chinese Daoist understanding of the intimate dance between the forces of Yin (contraction) and Yang (expansion) in our bodies, between the original ‘seed’ energy we received when we were conceived and our spiritual blossoming in life into the person we were born to…

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New healing class for women

Coming soon – Well-Woman Yoga for Menstrual, Reproductive and Menopausal Health – to promote the well-being of women of all ages. I recently completed Well-Woman Yoga Therapy training with Womb Yoga founder Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and I am finding integrating her beautiful healing practices with all my other work – from MogaDao Yoga and Qigong to Birthlight Fertility…

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