New healing class for women
Coming soon – Well-Woman Yoga for Menstrual, Reproductive and Menopausal Health – to promote the well-being of women of all ages.
I recently completed Well-Woman Yoga Therapy training with Womb Yoga founder Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and I am finding integrating her beautiful healing practices with all my other work – from MogaDao Yoga and Qigong to Birthlight Fertility Yoga to Daoist Sexuality practices – to be a source of great joy fuelled by a sense of coming home to exactly where I belong.
This process has inspired me to launch this new weekly class. It will replace my Pre-Conception and Fertility class to create a more inclusive session that recognises menstrual awareness and health combined with a self-reverent embracing ourselves as fundamentally sexual beings as the foundation of not only our fertility but our overall female well-being (including after menopause, when the echo of our cyclical nature strongly remains).
This session will start as soon as I confirm a suitable cosy venue. In the meantime, I will be continuing our lovely, intimate Women’s Circles sessions at my home, with a maximum of 5 people. Thank you to all of you who have come to recent sessions for making them such nurturing safe-havens of trust and openness. These too have been part of the inspiration to launch this new regular class.
I will be sending out new dates soon for Women’s Circle sessions in January and February. You can sign up for all or any, as suits you.