Equinox: balance is always fleeting

Happy Equinox

Equinox: balance is always fleeting

My husband (ever the cynic) loves to tease me whenever I am ill or have some niggling pain. “You should try doing Yoga or Qigong”, he says. “It might do you good.”
Today, as nature passes through this moment of balance between light and dark on the Equinox, she reminds us that balance is fleeting. To be in harmony is to be in a state of dynamic change, a state of constantly losing and regaining our equilibrium. Trying to aim for or cling to a ‘perfect’ and unchanging state of balance and health would go against our fluid and cyclical nature and be highly ill-advised. Not only is it a recipe for eternal disappointment, but the only way it seems possible to me is through death.
For, with nature’s seasons turning inside us too, our organisms must constantly adapt to changes both within and without. So the best we can do is to try to undulate reasonably close to the midline as we shift in and out of balance. And to smile every time we fall, knowing that imbalance is the irreplaceable partner of balance and that one cannot exist without the other.
Today do be sure to enjoy and celebrate this rare moment of cosmic balance before the scales tip in the favour of darkness.